Experiences of a student at mid-project workshop

12th September 2016By Linda CilliersPublic Voice, Teaching No Comments

Scholars shared experiences of the challenges they faced when trying to study the policies of their countries. Scholars from Botswana, for instance, spoke of how difficult it was to access information held by the state and to interview public officials. In Uganda, on the other hand, scholars had no problem accessing the policy, but found that it was poorly, if rarely, executed.

The role of narrative change in influencing policy

4th June 2016By Linda CilliersPolicy, Teaching

Adapted from a paper by Brett Davidson. Narratives are important in guiding individual beliefs and decision-making, and therefore they would play an important role in policy processes, too. Narratives play a key role in the negotiation of meaning in the political sphere. However, while this is something in which social movements, the media and the state are continuously engaged, it often does not receive as much conscious and strategic attention as other areas of contestation—certainly in the human rights field.